Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Preparing for the Galactic Mission!

Are your boys ready to have a blast at Day Camp this summer?  Don't wait for June 24 to start the fun!  

Nasa has a website full of games that you can play now!  They are divided up between games for boys who are Wolf-and-Bear-age,  and a separate section of games for boys Webelos-age (and up). 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The TENTATIVE schedule for Day Camp (without Webelos Activities--those will be announced shortly):


Official NASA Astronaut physical training
Map and Compass
Shooting (slingshots)
Nature Hike
Skype with a NASA Astronaut (still in confirmation stages; not definite yet)


Official NASA Astronaut physical training
Map and Compass
Special Tour (will count toward a NOVA requirement for Wolf and Bear)
STARLAB special event
Create a planetarium


Official NASA Astronaut physical training
Visit from Omaha Astronomy Club (Astronomy Belt Loop and Pin)
Create a terrarium


Official NASA Astronaut physical training
Make It/Take It Science Fair
Service Project


Build Rockets; Rocket Derby
All Camp Games
All Camp Cookout
Campfire Closing

What will boys complete in camp for advancement?

NOVA: Science Everywhere and TechTalk modules
Astronomy, Map and Compass, and Geology belt loops and pins
Some rank advancement requirements

During the week, boys will have the chance to read, write, do some math, explore the outdoors, learn how to think like a scientist, play games, learn about NASA and careers in science, and provide service to the community.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

I thought I would share a piece of a conversation I had with a Pack Committee Chair:

Committee Chair:  We are going to work on NOVA in our meetings in June. What will be accomplished at Day Camp?

Me:  We are going to complete most requirements for "Science Everywhere" and "Tech Talk."  Kids who come to camp EVERY DAY will complete the Map and Compass belt loop and pin, the Astronomy belt loop and pin, and the Science belt loop and pin. 

There are two areas you can address in the Pack during June to ensure that boys are able to finish the requirements for these areas:

1)  Boys who have already completed the belt loops and pins listed above are supposed to choose a new belt loop or pin from the lists of options in the NOVA requirements.  I know of one boy, for example, who already has the Astronomy belt loop and pin.  He would need to earn a select, additional belt loop and pin to earn the NOVA award.

2)  We will only have time to watch 1/2 an hour of video program each day for the viewing/reading requirement.  If kids come every day and actively participate in the 1/2 hour of watching "Bill Nye the Science Guy," they should be able to complete the "contemplation" part of the NOVA requirements.  You could reinforce this requirement by having a meeting where the boys read books about a science topic for an hour, or  watch a PBS Nature or Nova episode ahead of time.  They could come to their dens ready to share and present what they learned.  That will give them a chance to discuss the reading or episode with their counselor (in this case, den leader), as required.  PBS has episodes of Nature and Nova on its website, so those programs are very accessible.

Maybe the most important thing that the Pack can do to complete NOVA achievements is to let parents know it is a feature of Day Camp and Pack advancement for June.  If all the parents get the brief NOVA hand out ( and find out what we're covering at Day Camp, they can fill in gaps at home.  Or maybe they want to try to earn Swing! or 1-2-3-Go! at home?

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Just Added to Our Schedule!

Tuesday, June 25

2-4 p.m.


Do you like camping and looking at the night sky? 
How about climbing in a tent to look at the stars INSIDE the tent? 


Wednesday, June 26

1 p.m. 

Omaha Astronomy Club

Complete the requirements for the Astronomy belt loop and pin
with friends from the Omaha Astronomy Club!